Icons of the Incarnation
This book by Sophie Hacker celebrates an extraordinary fusion of artistic imagination and creativity, and marks the next phase for nine sculptural artworks which were first seen in Winchester Cathedral in 2008. Alongside sumptuous reproductions of the art, the book offers us an insight into the artist's creative process and the links she makes with her own theological vision. It also describes the processes of working with musician Sarah Baldock to visualise the themes inspiring Messiaen's La Nativité du Seigneur. Accompanying meditations by Roland Riem add a third dimension to this collaborative project between art and music, reaching out to the inexpressible in poetry. Foreword by Richard Harries.Published by Canterbury Press
ISBN: 978-1-85311-926-2 Price £14.99 Available from most good bookshops including the Winchester Cathedral Shop and Sarum College Bookshop (www.sarum.ac.uk). |